活性竹炭會創造奇跡來深深地淨化及排毒養顏的面板. 它吸引的雜質及毒素從毛孔和其強大的吸收特性, 給予一個驚人的深層清潔, 同時也很自然地去角質. 一個溫柔但有效的肥皂酒吧注入活性竹炭到深深的淨化, 剝落, 排毒養顏, 工作, 尤其是和油性, 組合, 無瑕的肌膚類型.
🌟蓖麻油 Castor oil
🌟酪梨油 Avocado oil
Activated bamboo charcoal does wonders to deeply cleanse and detoxify skin. It draws impurities and toxins from within your pores with its powerful absorption properties, giving an amazing deep clean while also naturally exfoliating. A gentle yet effective soap bar infused with activated bamboo charcoal to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and detoxify, working especially well with oily, combination, and blemish-prone skin types.